New Scottsdale Poll Shows Axon Could Face Uphill Battle After Successful Referendum Drive


Phoenix, AZ (2/10/2025) Data Orbital is pleased to announce the results of its latest mixed-mode survey of likely 2026 General Election voters in Scottsdale. The survey was conducted from January 11th to January 13th. The survey assessed voter sentiment on a ballot initiative to determine whether to uphold or overturn the rezoning for Axon International’s planned headquarters. This survey was conducted in response to the significant public attention the issue has garnered in recent months, which ultimately led to the submission of 27,000 signatures to place the matter on the ballot.

The rezoning would allow Axon to develop a hotel, restaurants, and a large apartment complex alongside its new corporate headquarters.

 Survey results reveal that nearly two-thirds (65.2%) of respondents oppose the zoning change, with 29.1% in support. Notably, 48.6% of respondents are strongly opposed. Among key demographics, Republicans over the age of 55 exhibit particularly high levels of opposition, with 74.5% strongly opposing the rezoning. In contrast, only 15.7% of respondents are strongly in favor of the project.

The survey also highlights a remarkably low percentage of undecided voters, with just 5.6% expressing neutrality or uncertainty. Despite the election being nearly two years away, the combination of a high rate of strong opposition and minimal undecided voters indicates that opinions on this issue are firmly established even before the campaign has begun.


Among Scottsdale voters, more than half (57.3%) have no opinion of the company. Overall, Axon has a slight net favorable rating of +8.5%, with 25.6% expressing a favorable view and 17.1% expressing an unfavorable view.

When presented with language used by Axon in favor of the proposal and opponent arguments against the Axon proposal, a strong majority of respondents agreed with the opposing statement.

Looking at the issue more broadly, a strong majority (59.0%) of Scottsdale voters feel that there has been too much apartment construction in the past few years, while only 8.4% say there has been too little. Republicans (72.2%) are far more likely to say there has been too much apartment construction than Democratic (50.4%) or Independent voters (44.1%).

This survey was sponsored by Taxpayers Against Awful Apartment Zoning Exemptions (TAAAZE).

This poll of 350 likely general election voters was conducted through a combination of live phone survey and text-to-web that collected 33.3% of the results from live caller landlines, 33.3% from live caller cell phones, and 33.3% via text-to-web. It had a margin of error of plus or minus 5.35% with a 95% confidence interval. Respondents were weighted on a number of different demographic figures based on prior general election voter turnout figures. The poll was conducted from January 11 – January 13, 2025. The questions released are verbatim from the survey provided to respondents. Toplines and demographic data can be found here. Crosstabs for this survey can be found here.

Data Orbital is a full-service data solutions and survey research firm with local, state, and national experience. We offer precise data solutions, informed by political and policy intelligence, so our clients can chart the right course through the corporate or political landscape ahead.


George Khalaf |