New Survey: Republican Voters Open to Funding Early Childhood via Vape Tax


Phoenix, AZ (3/11/2025) Data Orbital is pleased to announce the results of its latest mixed-mode audience research survey of likely 2026 Republican Primary Election voters in Arizona. Conducted from February 25th to February 27th, the survey assessed Republican primary voter sentiment on extending the state’s tobacco tax to alternative, non-tobacco products.

 In Arizona, voter-approved tobacco-tax is the only dedicated public funding source for early childhood programs and services. However, as consumption habits shift, tobacco tax revenues are declining with the increasing popularity of alternative products.

A strong majority of Republican primary voters (62.0%) support extending existing taxes on cigarettes and tobacco products to include alternatives like vape, while just 27.1% oppose the change.

This survey was commissioned as independent market research by First Things First to better understand voter sentiment on potential funding solutions for early childhood programs.


This poll of 400 likely Republican primary election voters was conducted through a combination of live phone survey and text-to-web that collected 33.3% of the results from live caller landlines, 33.3% from live caller cell phones, and 33.3% via text-to-web. It had a margin of error of plus or minus 5.00% with a 95% confidence interval. Respondents were weighted on a number of different demographic figures based on prior general election voter turnout figures. The poll was conducted from February 25 – February 27, 2025. The questions released are verbatim from the survey provided to respondents. Toplines and demographic data can be found here. Crosstabs for this survey can be found here.

Data Orbital is a full-service data solutions and survey research firm with local, state, and national experience. We offer precise data solutions, informed by political and policy intelligence, so our clients can chart the right course through the corporate or political landscape ahead.


George Khalaf |